Never say no in day to day dealings. Always look for the way to yes. This will create an unexpected and profound change in your life.

For example, "Mom, can I have candy for breakfast?"

"Yes, but not today."


Try it out this week. See how many times you can say yes instead of no. You will have to get creative, but I I know you can do it!


Clarice is saying yes a lot more to things. One thing in particular: She is saying yes to life.

She is a cautious one, Clarice. She likes to make sure everyone is safe and taken care of. She watches the budget, she makes sure you eat and she recycles.

She can make a dollar go farther than anyone I've ever seen except maybe for my mom.

In all of that, there are a few things we have been putting off, saying to each other, "Maybe next year."

Well, maybe this year, instead. We are learning to say yes.


I watched as one of her wonderful nurses, Colleen, cleaned the wounds on her left hand. I noted how quickly they are healing up. In a few places there are chunks of flesh missing that will scar a little, but on the whole it looks very good.

There are still pins sticking out and they will be there for some time yet.

But she is breathing easier and is gaining some independence.

So much so that she was home for the weekend!

What a pleasure it was to help her, to watch over her, to clean her and care for her. How joyful to watch her speak to our little one and to have our teenage twins jump to assist every chance they got!

And how quiet she was when we put Liam to bed and she was able to give him a soft kiss on the cheek.

To have these things, to have each other is the miracle of our lives.

Sure, there are challenges. Of course there will be pain and stress and trials.

That's what we call life.

But living...that's what we call everything else. That's what we call love.

Love each other, love your fellow being, love the little plants, the animals, the great oceans and the mighty mountains.

Love the soft clouds and the stormy rains. Love your connection to all life and to the divine.

Love all these things and you will know what it means to live.

I wish you that.

Say yes to that.

Hiy hiy.


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    Aaron Paquette

    Aaron Paquette is Clarice's husband and friend and walks beside her on her journey.  

    This page is where he shares this journey.

    Aaron Paquette is one of Canadaʼs premiere First Nations artists known for his bright colours, strong lines and for sharing new ways of looking at age-old experiences and beliefs. Based in Edmonton, Alberta, Aaron has been creating art for the past 20 years. You will find his art displayed in various galleries throughout the country.

    Aaron is also an experienced facilitator, trainer and engaging public speaker, and is the driving force behind the amazing and powerful Cree8 Success Conferences.



    December 2012
    September 2012
    August 2012
    July 2012
    June 2012